Tuesday 24 May 2011

MY AWESOME BLOG HAS 2000 VIEWS!!! You guys must like me or something....

LOOK AT MY TITLE! ISN'T IT AWESOME?! Woah ok I need to calm down....
I'd just like to thank all the people who looked at my blog and for making my blog have more than 2000 views! Oh thank you....sniff sniff.....it's such an horror......honor, I meant honor! I'm Miss Blog 2011.....Wait! Unless it's just one person looking at my blog 2000 times.....If that is the case.....that's weird!.....Anyways, thank you for reading my blog you guys!

Monday 2 May 2011


Hey look! Two in a row! I'm on a roll this week! I wanted to share the "Spine Tingler" I wrote as an English short story. I thought I wasn't good at writing mysteries and was dreading it for weeks! But as soon as I got writing I couldn't stop! I hope your spine tingles!!!!! Bwuahahahaha!!!!!!

The Forest
By Grace Brulotte

It was a dark forest. It had a feeling hanging over it, a feeling that could not be explained. There were dark trees all around. The moon cast strange shadows on the ground. The air was thick, so thick it was almost un-breathable. The tree’s seemed to be alive. The wind clutched at the branches, sometimes ripping them off. No one knows what mysteries this forest held, nor was anyone willing to find out. No one was willing to find out, until now.

I stood at the gate that held that forest, wondering. Why weren’t people keen on talking about it? What happened there that was so infamous? Could there have been a murder? These were questions I asked myself many, many times. No one had the answers I was looking for.

I was in training to be a reporter for our daily newspaper. Naturally I had the urge to “poke my nose into other peoples business” but with little result. Whenever I asked about the forest I received replies like,
“Aren’t you a little young to be a reporter Miss Taylor”? Or,
“Why do you want to know about that? You’re a young lady! Young ladies should not be thinking or investigating about things like murder”! But if I didn’t find out what happened who would? Nobody, that’s who. I decided that I’d find out even if I had to interview everyone in town! What if there WAS a murder and the murderer is still out there somewhere! No, my mind was made up! So with notebook and pencil in hand I set out to find the truth. I was determined.

I started my investigation at the police office to see what I could dig up. But they wouldn’t tell me anything and said I should stick to knitting! I didn’t have much luck with the other places I stopped at either. The last place I stopped at was a little grocery store on the other side of town. I knew the owner there and thought that there was no harm in trying. The storeowners name was Burt, he was an old friend of my grandfathers. After making small talk for a while I decided to get right to the point.
“Burt, I came here to talk to you about the old forest on First Avenue. Do you know anything about it”?
“No! If it was up to me I’d burn the wretched place”! And with that he stormed away. His reaction made me wonder. I quickly ran back to the newspaper office and took out some papers from before I was born. But with no luck there I went home and pleaded with my father to tell me what happened.
“I’m sorry dear I can’t tell you”.
“Father I have been hearing that enough lately! I think I’m on too something! You can’t hide it from me any longer! You should have seen Burt’s reaction! Just tell me”! My father let out a great sigh and then told me to go up stairs and look in my grandmother’s bible. I was so excited I could hardly contain it as I ran up the stairs to grandma’s old room. I quickly rummaged through her things and finally found her bible. As I was pulling it out a newspaper clipping fell out. I picked it up and unfolded it. It read,


At 12:00 PM Paul Taylor was found hanging from a tree in the forest near First Avenue. Burt Smith has been found guilty and will be imprisoned for 10 years. The only explanation Smith gave for the murder was, “Revenge is sweet”. Paul was twenty-five years old.

Sunday 1 May 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like SRING!

Hey everyone guess what? IT'S SPRING! We went for our very first bike ride of the season today! Oh and I finally got rid of the TV in my bedroom today! It's one of those things were you wake up in the morning and say "I'm going to do it" and then you never do...BUT I DID IT! It's kind of like my blog too, I wake up in the morning determined and then I don't do it! But I did this too!

I finally got to reading my favorite book, "Little Woman" again too! I go through one of these phases about once a month were I'll get the sudden urge to read, plow through a book and then not read again for ages...A bad habit!

I was very sad to put away my sit ski this week. Someone said I should travel to Alaska where I can ski to my hearts content. A week ago I could have skied in my back yard...Oh well, as the French say, c'est la vie! Such is life! The snow will always melt in the spring and will always come back in the winter. If there is one thing we can be sure of it's that the snow will always come back in the winter...I think I'd like to move to Australia were the seasons are totally different from us! At least I have something to look forward to next year though! Winter won't be a black hole that I get sucked into every year!

After months and months of waiting I finally got to see "The Kings Speech" and let me tell you, "My Girl" has been bumped out of first place on my movie list and has been replaced by "The Kings Speech"! An amazing movie which definitely deserved the oscar! I'm just glad it beat "The Social Network". No offense to Facebook intended!

Any who I wanted to bring back some old memories and re-post my new years resolutions which I have not completed since I think number one is impossible! Here are my new years resolutions:

1. Some day I will marry Ben Barnes or Stewart Finlay-Mclennan.

  • Steal the time machine from “Back to the Future” and marry Stewart Finlay-Mclennan when he was young.

  • Some day make a flying wheelchair so I can fly around and get to places much faster.

  • Invent a wheelchair that has ski’s on the bottom instead of wheels SO I CAN GO OUT IN THE WINTER AND NOT BE A CAVEMAN!!

  • Become a disabled soccer player and whip the butt off regular soccer players.

  • Become an opera singer so I can break glass just by singing a high note!

  • Build a wheelchair accessible tree house so I can hide!

  • Change my name to ook……

  • Learn how to speak Cockney so I can go to London, get Professor Higgins (“My Fair Lady”) to teach me how to be a lady and then go to a ball and dance with a Prince.

  • Become an animated character and play Belle in “Beauty and the Beast” so I can break the spell and kiss the hot Prince!

  • Become an astronaut…

  • Defy gravity!

  • Become a hog (for all you camp winfielders)!

  • Get “Who’s line is it anyway” back on TV and become the host!

  • Make Justin Bieber mysteriously fall off a cliff…

  • Stop super models from getting so thin!

  • Become a caveman or a cavewoman!

  • Become a flying purple people eater…

  • Destroy forwards…

  • Make camp Winfield all year long!

  • Become a fairy god mother and make Miley Cyruses voice disappear…

  • Make a candy called the zinga zinga bar that makes you go zook!

  • Make ninga an actual word for my sister!

  • Make a store that is called Grace is Awesome that has silly crap in it!

  • Make Invermere and Kelowna 5 minutes away from here so I can visit Sam and Kate everyday.

  • Live with the Brady Bunch.  

  • Make the “Easy Button” a national button!

  • Create a purple rose and name it “The Sam, Kate and Grace rose”.

  • Make “Hog day” a national holiday.

  • Change “Duct Tape” to “Duck Tape”.  

  • I'd like to thank all my viewers for reading my ranting.........