Thursday 18 November 2010


So today I thought I'd show you what I look like. That is me and what fall looks like where I live! And that also shows my disability. Again here is a link if you'd like to find out more about my disability.

So the main reason why I started this blog is because I wanted you to understand how a disabled persons life is, but also to answer questions and prayer requests. So if you have any prayer requests or questions DON'T BE SHY AND COMMENT BELOW! So I have a prayer request for whoever might be reading this.

I have Scoliosis in my spine. Just recently I got the news that I needed surgery in the Spring. And I'm not scared but I just need the strength to get through this. So if anyone is reading this please pray that I get the strength that I need to get through this! So there I shared a prayer request, NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!!!!! COMMENT BELOW!!!!!


  1. Hi Grace,
    Yes, the surgery is a daunting thing to have in front of you. There is a lot of prayer support out there for you, please know that...and count me in! Our church family loves you and we will continue to pray for you through difficult times.
    Sylvia Elias

  2. Grace you have such a beautiful spirit, when I see you I see God's Glory all over you, I know you are going to do great things in your life and I can see God uses you ever day, thank you for being an inspiration. I love to read your Blogs you are amazing Grace....

  3. Hi, I'm Brazilian, I'm 16 and I pretty much your blog. I'm a fan of yours, I admire everything you write. And I think a very beautiful lady. Congratulations! If you can respond i'll be grateful. =)

  4. Have just picked up your blogg sorry to read that you have got to have surgery for scoliosis I have worked with a,lot of children and young people who had the operation to put rods eiather side of their spine and whilst it has been difficult they have all come througth with flying colours. You look a very pretty young girl with plenty of get and go. Nice to know also that you afe obviously connected to a church I belonmg to bBaptist church here in England. Would be good to know how you manage to look after yourself you look to be pretty limited in the movement area so why not let people know a bit about you. Will add you my personto al prayer list and looka oujt for you future bloggs. An E-Mail would be good makes contacting better than bloggs Austin
