Tuesday 27 September 2011

I'm baaaack!

Hello people! I’m baaaack! I know its been a long time but I’m going to try! Here we go! New school year, new challenges, new teacher! Its been busy, busy, busy! I had an amazing summer! We (meaning my mother, brother and sister) went traveling to the US for two weeks! We went to Yellowstone Park and Colorado Springs! It was great to get away! We were baking though! It got to 40 degrees!
I had an amazing time at camp Winfield like always as well! I made a lot of new friends and became a better friend to some old ones! I always love the atmosphere at camp!
I also started a new photography “business” I got a fancy new camera from the school so I’ve been out lots! If you want to check it out here is my website: http://mustardseedphotographybc.webs.com/
This semester in school I have Science, English and Christian Studies. But I don’t have a teacher at the moment so I’m doing everything myself! It has been tough (especially on my back) but I’m getting through it!

Anyway just a short post today and I will try to write as much as I can!  

1 comment:

  1. um, hi! ok so, im megan, i have amc, and i cant figure out any way to get ahold of u! it would be really cool to email or something, cuz u seem cool (i watched a couple of ur youtube vids) and i havent really ever met anyone else with this condition. well ok i talked to this german girl with it on facebook but she didnt speak english very well /: sooo yeah. i tried the contact link on ur profile but my phone said "server not found" so gay. lol. anywho, my email is gr33n6y6dgrl@gmail.com and it would be awesome if we could talk! if not, its cool, i understand about bein safe on the internet and stuff. but i hope to hear from u! :)
