Sunday 15 April 2012

Hello Spring, Welcome Back!

Spring is in the air! FINALLY!!! Although I was quite sad to say goodbye to sit skiing, I had an amazing last ski in Panorama with Kate. The weather was perfect, sunny and extremely warm! I hardly needed my jacket! We had a pizza party afterwards to draw the season to a close! I must confess I had “withdrawals” the whole week after, just looking at my sit ski when I went down stairs (where my sit ski’s live as book shelves and blanket holders at the moment) made me cry! I know, pathetic! But I’m over that now… Especially when I went out for my first bike ride of the season (although it’s more like mom rides her bike and I chase her trying to keep up)!
Fernie isn’t much to look at this time of the year, it’s just covered in gravel! Once the city cleans everything up and the trees start to bloom, Fernie shall be restored! The city uses the gravel from the roads to redo the paths around town, so I’m excited for them to come collect it! They re-did almost all the paths around Fernie last year, only a few more to go! That makes it so much easier for me to get out!
This summer I will be volunteering at a day camp for young disabled children again, so I use the paths to get to work! I have to walk there, it takes about a half an hour but the walk is beautiful, so I don’t mind!
I did my yearly ritual of watching “Pride and Prejudice” the other night, what can I say, I’m like the rest of the teenage girl population who has a crush on Mr. Darcy! With that said though, I can only stand to watch it once a year because it’s so long!
I also applied to Camp Winfield (a week long camp for disabled teens) again this year! Filling out the application forms is a grueling process, but I survived! Camp Winfield is like my vacation from the world, as I am not allowed any electronic devices, and mom’s vacation away from me! So we both benefit! I thought about not going this year, as it is difficult for me to adjust to having a complete stranger help me in the bathroom and such, but I guess I’m just stuck to Camp Winfield!

Anyway, there’s a look into my life lately, I hope you readers are getting nice weather as well! I would also like to say that if you would like to write me to ask questions or to talk, please don’t hesitate to email me at:! Bye bye all! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace,
    Great post, updating a wonderful winter. You seriously sound like all the other snow-crazed skiers -- way to go! Passion is good!
    That's cool that you'll be volunteering for the day camp. I'm sure you'll be invaluable, and your willingness to share yourself with others will be observed by your heavenly Father! Camp Winfield also sounds good, though I have no idea where that is or what you do. Maybe next post?
    Happy Spring! Nice rainy day to finish off the snow on the north sides of ... everywhere!
