Monday 20 January 2020

Where’d you go!?

Well hello there sunshine!

Where have you been!? Yes I know it’s been a while... It’s funny how life goes, isn’t it? You go through phases, you love something for a while and then you don’t, you’re motivated one minute and procrastinating the next, you’re passionate about something and then you move on. But then you come back! And when you do, you’re more fired up than ever! So I hereby solemnly swear that I will try harder to work on this blog, to potentially (I said potentially), bring you a somewhat interesting read every week, and attempt to not neglect said blog for oh.... A year or more. Or I’ll try my darnedest at the very least! And if I don’t then it’ll be like every other New Years resolution that fell by the wayside. Hmm, I never did buy that gym pass... 

Now... I’ve made a fundamental change to this blog, which you shouldn’t have failed to notice if you’re a veteran to it. The blog will no longer be called Disabled and Living in the Real World. Gasp! I know, shocking!! I do have a somewhat reasonable explanation for this... Firstly, since I’m attempting a fresh start with this blog, I figured it too needed a fresh start. While I will always love its previous name, I’m a little older now, a tiny bit wiser, and feel that the blog should be a reflection of where I am currently in life. Gracie Lou, whom I shall introduce you to in a forthcoming post, has become a huge part of my current life path. Not only is she an alter ego if you will, a public persona, she is also someone I strive to be when facing new challenges. But more on that later... This blog shall hereby be known as The Gracie Lou Perspective. Picture a beam of light shining down on the title, a choir singing, fireworks exploding, all that good stuff. 

So what can you expect from this new and hopefully improved blog? More narratives of the world as I see and experience it of course. But I’d also like this blog to be somewhat useful. Not just me telling you how hectic my life is on any given day. I refuse to have a “millennial” blog where all I do is talk about myself, repeat the word "like" after every second word, and post 20 pictures of the food I eat. That’s like totally 2019! So you can expect practical advice, real world experiences, reviews, potentially some interviews with other people, and much more. I hope to speak to those in the disability community, offer my experiences and hear theirs, be an advocate to the best of my abilities, shed light on the things that have been hidden, offer a different perspective, and hopefully redefine “disabled living” for society today. I know, way to set the bar high! But hey, go big or go home right!? ;) 

I hope you’ll join me as I attempt (if at first you don’t succeed, try till it pisses you off, swear a bunch, cry and yell and scream, and then for god’s sake try again) to not fail at blogging... again... You can subscribe on the right side by entering your email, and you’ll receive a notification when I make a post. And then you can marvel right along with me that I didn’t procrastinate and actually got it done. And don’t worry, a notification of a new post is all you’ll receive via email subscription. Also feel free to follow me on any of the social media outlets listed below. Don’t be a stranger! Let me know in the comments if there’s a blog subject you’d like me to address. 

Until next time, enjoy some pictures summarizing how much life I’ve neglected to capture on this blog.... Bad Gracie Lou! And hey, don’t forget to smile!

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Facebook - @gracielouwhatwontshedo
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The Gracie Lou Foundation Facebook - @gracieloufoundation

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