Saturday 29 September 2012


Hey everyone! Sooo....Wednesday the 19th was the WORST day ever!!! I went to the dentist office at 2:00 and I came out at 4:00! I did eight molds of my teeth, two of them I had to hold in for four minutes a piece! Thank God I didn't gag! It was horrible. Then I had to get panoramic X-Rays of my face done, which is a picture of my head all the way around, and my wheelchair wouldn't fit in the room! So my mother had to hold me on a stool while bending down to make sure this machine didn't hit her in the head! It was painful for me and awkward for her... And if that wasn't enough, they had to take pictures of the inside of my mouth with a camera, so they used this one tool to pull my lips apart and then put a huge mirror in my mouth! I didn't know that that many objects could fit in my mouth at the same time... So by the time I was done, I was exhausted, cranky and sore and when I got home... I ate a giant piece of chocolate cake...

Besides that, I started school which is going great and.... have been cooking up a storm! This week in the cooking adventures: I made a delicious pumpkin spice shake, pumpkin chip muffins and the best spring rolls I have ever tasted! I sauteed by myself for the first time which was very fun, and stirred something in a very hot frying pan! I didn't burn or mess up anything so I deem this cooking adventure successful!

Join me next time on another episode of... COOKING ADVENTURES WITH GRACE!!!

Pumpkin Chip Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Shake
Me sauteing! Notice anything different about me?

Spring Rolls

I got new glasses!!!
Enjoy the fall colours!      

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